Human Foods Dogs Can & Cannot Eat

By |November 16th, 2022|Feeding Do's & Don'ts, Puppy|

Yes Apples Pumpkin Bananas Rice Bell Pepper’s Salmon Broccoli Sardines Blueberries Spinach Cantaloupe Strawberries Carrots Sweet Potato Cheese (In Moderation*) Yogurt Chicken Eggs Green Beans Kale Mango Peanut Butter (no xylitol) Pineapple No Alcohol Onions Avocado Pits and Seeds from Fruit Caffeine Potato Skins & Raw Potatoes Chocolate Raisins Coffee Rhubarb [...]

Local Dog Trainers

By |November 16th, 2022|Hiring A Dog Trainer, Puppy|

Crawford Canine Connection 425-330-9639 Email Ahimsa Dog Training Seattle 206-364-4072 925 NW 49th St C, Seattle, WA 98107 Monday-Friday 10am-5pm Seattle Puppyworks 1417 10th Ave Studio A, Seattle, WA 98122 Tuesday-Friday 8am-6pm Saturday 12pm-5pm Zoom Room Dog Training 206-486-2104 10004 Aurora Ave N #12, Seattle, WA 98133 Monday-Friday 10am-8pm Saturday-Sunday 9am-8pm

6 Months or 6 Years: When and If to Spay or Neuter Puppy

By |November 16th, 2022|Puppy, Spay & Neuter|

by DREW MCWATTERS, DVM Veterinarians have traditionally recommended universal spaying and neutering of dogs and have advised doing it at no later than six months of age. This recommendation came from a desire to decrease the stray pet population and decrease the incidence of reproductive disease while at the same time decreasing anesthetic risks associated [...]

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